Friday, February 13, 2009

Debit Card Fraud Hits Close to Home

A colleague of mine recently discovered a transaction in his checking account from a company with which he has never done business:

WWW.PROMOSDESIGN.COM 540-317-3245 NV 24493989021207633400563


The website doesn't exist, and the phone number goes nowhere.

This is particularly sneaky, because the amount is small enough to increase the likelihood that it will go unnoticed!

Luckly, I didn't have any of these in my account. But I'd watch out for this in your account, just to be safe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you shop online it's really easy to buy or "join" something by clicking on a free offer out of curiosity. The offers aren't from the company you're buying from, but independent. Recently I asked my credit card to replace my card in order to get rid of a monthly "membership" charge for about $12 per month I didn't mean to buy.